Welcome to AEK Display-- A portfolio presentation made by me, Anna E Koehn! I am intrigued by assembling found objects together, arranging an organized clean design, that may have a nostalgic tendency, which produces a three-dimensional element pleasing to the eye. From soldering intricate sterling silver natural stone jewelry, to sewing my original plush birds, and wood working. I am forever interested in learning and mastering technical skills to bring the ideas in my head to life.
I occupy a spot on the world-wide-web, to visually share all my creative talent with you! Follow me on Facebook, where you have access to seasonal collection new releases, behind-the-scene posts, and upcoming events.
Summer 2019: This season I am shifting gears, so AEK Display will set-up at random to sell my artwork and jewelry in-person at local events around largely Salt Lake City area. Check out the Upcoming Events tab for these dates!